I knew over 20 years ago that if I didn’t prioritise my wellbeing, I was going to be in trouble.

I was working in the fast-paced, glamorous world of consumer PR when I realised that if I didn’t sleep well, eat nutritious food, move my body every day and manage strict boundaries, I quickly became an anxious mess.

Today – as mum to four kids, and diagnosed with ADHD alongside one of my daughters – managing my emotional wellbeing is my top priority: for myself and for the sake of my family.

But it took time to get here.

The path to wellbeing

Back in the early 2000s, meditation, breathwork and mindfulness were for the select few. I was searching for methods and techniques that didn’t really exist.

I put my PR career on hold to focus on my family and became a stay-at-home mum for four years – but I felt my identity slowly sapping away, along with my clarity and vision for the future.

I knew I wanted to be more than just a mum and wife but self-doubt told me I couldn’t have a career and a busy family life. I knew I was lucky to be able to stay at home with my family – but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had more to offer.

In 2019 – driven by curiosity and a natural desire to help others – I retrained as a wellbeing coach.

I became intrigued by the power of our minds to change our future and went on to qualify in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and emotional freedom technique (EFT/tapping). 

Several courses later – and with learning always on the horizon – I’m hooked on the process of evolving: both for my own development, and for my clients. 

How I can help you

As an accredited EFT and NLP practitioner and wellbeing coach, I help people just like you to feel calmer, more balanced and importantly, validated.

My passion is finding wellbeing strategies that aren’t just effective, but which you enjoy – because this powerful combination means you’ll continue to use and benefit from these tools long after we stop working together.

Ready to free yourself of anxiety and empower yourself to work with your natural abilities, strengths and gifts?

“I contacted Kate after struggling with the aftermath of a bad pregnancy, traumatic labour and postnatal depression for nearly nine years.

I knew I had some trapped emotion that raised its ugly head every time I recalled that time in my life.

Kate quickly understood what I needed and explained how EFT could help me work through my feelings. She made me feel both comfortable and safe.

The process was cathartic, and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted – something had shifted without a doubt!

I can’t wait to continue working with Kate. I know EFT can support me to both ground myself and move forward in life.

I highly recommend Kate – she’s kind, warm and makes you feel instantly nurtured and supported!”

Helen Slater, marketing coach